SwimSafer Stage 2

General skill development including unassisted step entry into water, sculling, feet first surface dives, personal water safety skills as well as water safety in aquatic environments. Goal is to achieve 25 metres of continuous swimming.

small group classes
small group classes

SwimSafer Stage 2 Test Criteria

Entries & Exits

Step-in entry.

Sculling & Body Orientation

  1. Front float (mushroom or jellyfish), 10 sec.

  2. Swim 5m on front, rollover.

  3. Back float, 10 sec.

  4. Swim 5m on back.

  5. Scull, float or tread for 30 sec (incorporated in Survival & Activity Skills).

Underwater Skills

Search for and recover an object in chest deep (student’s) water.

Movement / Swimming / Strokes

  1. Movement on front 25m (alternating arms & legs and/or simultaneous arms and legs).

  2. Movement on back 15m (alternating arms & legs and/or simultaneous arms and legs).

Survival & Activity Skills

Scull, float or tread for 30 sec.

Dressed in swimwear, shorts and t-shirt demonstrate:

  1. Swim 15m using any survival stroke.

  2. Swim to pool edge and climb out.

  3. Put on an appropriately sized PFD and jump into the water (at least 1.4m deep)

  4. Swim 25m with PFD, then climb out of the water.


  1. Principles of Personal Safety and Survival.

  2. Environmental Awareness.

  3. Health Awareness.

  4. Emergency Situations and Survival Techniques.

  5. Rescues.

swimsafer stage 2
swimsafer stage 2